The Composition and Sound Experimenting Workshop, which celebrates this year its fourth edition, intends to offer, to both students of composition and composers in general, the opportunity to work during the festival with a prestigious composer, as well as a professional instrumental group. This workshop, recognized internationally, counts with the participation of renowned professors who, like in previous editions, will visit Barcelona as an active part of the Mixtur Festival. APPLICATIONS CLOSED.
We are also counting on the next ensembles to collaborate on the Reading Session and concerts:
Ensemble 2e2m /// Ricardo Descalzo /// Frames Percussion /// Dúo Hellqvist/Amaral
Ensemble PHACE /// Zafraan Ensemble /// Participants of the Workshops for Players /// Yuval Gotlibovich /// Joan-Martí Frasquier
General programme
- An individual class with one of the resident composers.
- Reading Session, performance of an electroacoustic piece (up to 8.1) or performance of an instrumental piece in concert.
- Lectures by the resident as well as other guest composers.
- Open Space where students will be able to present their work to the rest of participants.
- Master class by the tutors of the other wotkshops: Pascal Contet (Accordion), Ricardo Descalzo (Piano), Fred Frith (Improvisation), Yuval Gotlibovich (Viola) and Pierre Roullier (Conducting).
- Free access to all concerts and activities of the Festival Mixtur 2018 taking place in Fabra i Coats, whether for active students or for auditors.
- Participants in workshop A + B will have two individual classes.
From the dossiers received, participants will be selected for the following incentives:
- Include works in the online library Babel Scores: the selected arist has been Yukiko Watanabe.
- Include work in the concert season 2018/19 of Vertixe Sonora Ensemble: the selected arists has been Yukiko Watanabe and Caron Darras.
- Artistic residence in the CMMAS during a period to be determined (Accommodation, use of studies and diets partially included): the selected arists has been Isandro Ojeda.
- Creation of Miniature that will be premiered during Festival Mixtur 2018.
- Dates: from Thursday 19th to Sunday 22th, April 2018
- Resident composers: Carola Bauckholt, João Pedro Oliveira and Rebecca Saunders.
- Dates: from Thursday 26th to Sunday 29th, April 2018
- Resident composers: Gabriel Brnčić, Tristan Murail and Alexander Schubert.
- WORKSHOP A: 190€
- WORKSHOP B: 190€
- WORKSHOP A or B (no preference): 170€
- WORKSHOP A and B: 240€
With the friendly support of:
With the collaboration of: