Mixtur Online

7 d’abril a partir de les 20:30

  • 21:30h - Quartetto Maurice
  • 23:30h - Lumínico

 8 d’abril

A partir de les 11:45h

  • 12:00h - Concert final del Taller d’Improvisació Mixtur 2017
  • Conversa amb el contrabaixista i improvisador Barry Guy, professor del tallers, i els participants

A partir de les 16:30h

  • 17:00h - Paul Beckett i Vitaliy Kyianytsia
  • 19:00h - Kommas Ensemble

9 d’abril a partir de les 15:00h

  • 16:00h - Dolores Acosta i weltAusstellung
  • 17:00h - Neue Vocalsolisten Stuttgart

Made in collaboration with the cultural association LIVEMEDIA, Mixtur Online is a programme transmitted "live online" to the multiscreen, multiplatform and networked environment of the web. Direct from Festival Mixtur, the live programme of Mixtur Online is produced from Fabra i Coats - Fàbrica de Creació de Barcelona by LIVEMEDIA and will feature the livestream video transmission of a selection of the festival's renowned concerts and round table talks, as well as conversations and interviews with the principle ensembles, composers and musicians associated with this year's festival. Essentially, the objective of Mixtur Online is the transference "live online" of the spirit, the ambience, the culture and knowledge that Festival Mixtur has come to represent to a global and connected audience.

Mixtur Online és una iniciativa de Mixtur i Livemedia.